SPQ Adults SF-35 English

Systemizing Quotient SPQ-SF 35

The Sensory Perception Quotient (SPQ): development and validation of a new sensory questionnaire for adults with and without autism. The Sensory Perception Quotient (SPQ)-Short measures sensory sensitivity on the factors vision, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.

Participants were asked to indicate to what extent they agreed or disagreed with each statement on a Likert scale (0 = strongly agree, 1 = agree, 2 = disagree, and 3 = strongly disagree). All item responses were summed [29], with a lower score indicating higher sensory sensitivity.

The information provided on this website is for educational purposes only, The assessments on this website are not intended to diagnose autism or any  medical condition.

SPQ Adults SF-35 English

1. I can recognize different people by the way they smell.

Question 1 of 35

2. I would be able to tell if a strawberry was ripe just by smelling it.

Question 2 of 35

3. I would notice right away that it got brighter if a dimmer control switch moved up one notch.

Question 3 of 35

4. I would notice right away if someone added 5 drops of lemon juice to my cup of water.

Question 4 of 35

5. I would be able to hear the sound of a leaf blown by the wind on a quiet street.

Question 5 of 35

6. I would be able to taste the difference between two brands of salty potato chips/crisps.

Question 6 of 35

7. I would not be able to feel the label at the back of my shirt even if I thought about it.

Question 7 of 35

8. I can hear electricity humming in the walls.

Question 8 of 35

9. I notice the flickering of a desktop computer even when it is working properly.

Question 9 of 35

10. I would be able to notice a small change (e.g. 1 degree) in the temperature of the weather.

Question 10 of 35

11. I would be able to feel a small (e.g. one millimetre) paper cut in my skin.

Question 11 of 35

12. I would be able to tell the weight difference between two different coin sizes on the palm of my hand with my eyes closed.

Question 12 of 35

13. I could not distinguish a familiar person and a stranger by their smell.

Question 13 of 35

14. I could not tell if bread was stale purely by its smell

Question 14 of 35

15. I would be able to hear the sound of a vacuum cleaner from any room in a two-storey building.

Question 15 of 35

16. I would be able to feel the elastic holding up my socks if I stop and thought about it.

Question 16 of 35

17. I would be able to taste the difference between apparently identical pieces of candy.

Question 17 of 35

18. I notice the weight and pressure of a hat on my head.

Question 18 of 35

19. I would feel if a single hair touched the back of my hand.

Question 19 of 35

20. If I was walking along, I would be able to feel a passing truck’s vibrations even if my eyes were closed.

Question 20 of 35

21. I would be able to smell the smallest gas leak from anywhere in the house.

Question 21 of 35

22. I wouldn’t notice if someone changed their perfume, by smell alone.

Question 22 of 35

23. I can’t go out in bright sunlight without sunglasses.

Question 23 of 35

24. I would be able to feel a change in the temperature of a cup of coffee after it had sat for 1 minute.

Question 24 of 35

25. I would be the first to hear if there was a fly in the room.

Question 25 of 35

26. If I look at a pile of blue sweaters in a shop that are meant to be identical, I would be able to see differences between them.

Question 26 of 35

27. I would be able to smell the difference between most men and women.

Question 27 of 35

28. I would be able to hear each note in a chord even if there were 10 notes.

Question 28 of 35

29. I close curtains to avoid bright lights.

Question 29 of 35

30. I would be able to distinguish two brands of coffee by their smell, even with my eyes closed.

Question 30 of 35

31. I can see dust particles in the air in most environments.

Question 31 of 35

32. I wouldn’t be able to taste the difference between two brands of tomato sauce if they had different concentrations of salt.

Question 32 of 35

33. I would be able to smell the smallest amount of burning from anywhere in the house.

Question 33 of 35

34. If my mobile phone was vibrating in my pocket I would be quick to sense it.

Question 34 of 35

35. I would detect a new smell in my house instantly before anyone else.

Question 35 of 35


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