SPQ Sensory Perception Quotient Adult Online Test Questionnaire & PDF

Systemizing Quotient - SPQ

The Sensory Perception Quotient (SPQ): development and validation of a new sensory questionnaire for adults with and without autism. The Sensory Perception Quotient (SPQ)-Short measures sensory sensitivity on the factors vision, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.

Download SPQ Sensory Perception Quotient for Adult PDF

The information provided on this website is for educational purposes only, The assessments on this website are not intended to diagnose autism or any  medical condition.


1. I would notice if someone added 5 grains of salt to my cup of water

Question 1 of 92

2. I would be able to distinguish different people by their smell.

Question 2 of 92

3. I wouldn’t notice if someone added a spoonful of sugar to my tea.

Question 3 of 92

4. I wouldn’t be afraid of hurting myself when falling off my bike at high speed.

Question 4 of 92

5. I wouldn’t be able to detect the motion of the blades of a rotating fan even when it is at minimum speed.

Question 5 of 92

6. The sound of a piano and a violin playing the same note seem very similar to me.

Question 6 of 92

7. I would be able to detect if a strawberry was ripe by smell alone.

Question 7 of 92

8. I would be able to distinguish milk chocolate and dark chocolate by their taste alone.

Question 8 of 92

9. I cannot tolerate hot showers (above 40°C / 105°F).

Question 9 of 92

10. I wouldn’t need an anaesthetic to cope with a dental procedure, such as a cavity-filling.

Question 10 of 92

11. I would have to wait for 10 minutes for a hot drink to cool down before swallowing it, otherwise it would be too hot for me.

Question 11 of 92

12. I would be able to visually detect the change in brightness of a light each time a dimmer control is moved one notch.

Question 12 of 92

13. I wouldn’t be able to detect large objects, such as parked cars, clearly on a dark night.

Question 13 of 92

14. I would notice if someone added 5 drops of lemon juice to my cup of water.

Question 14 of 92

15. I would be the last person to detect if something was burning.

Question 15 of 92

16. I wouldn’t be able to feel the vibrations from loud music if I was sitting next to the loud speaker (e.g. at aconcert).

Question 16 of 92

17. I wouldn’t be able to feel a small volume change in music as a difference in vibration on my skin.

Question 17 of 92

18. I can’t hear the TV when it is very quiet, even when other people can.

Question 18 of 92

19. I would be able to hear a leaf move if blown by the wind on a quiet street.

Question 19 of 92

20. I wouldn’t be able to taste the difference between two pieces of dark chocolate.

Question 20 of 92

21. I would be able to taste the difference between two brands of salty potato chips/crisps.

Question 21 of 92

22. When people are talking the words seem to merge together.

Question 22 of 92

23. I can only look at bright colours for a brief period of time.

Question 23 of 92

24. I would lose my balance very easily if I was standing on one foot with my eyes closed.

Question 24 of 92

25. I wouldn’t be able to smell a barbecue from 60 feet (20 metres) away.

Question 25 of 92

26. I can’t spin round and round without falling over

Question 26 of 92

27. I wouldn’t notice a 10 degree difference in temperature of the weather.

Question 27 of 92

28. I can drink tea/coffee “straight”, without needing to add milk or sugar.

Question 28 of 92

29. I can’t hear the bass in music

Question 29 of 92

30. I would be able to smell the difference between freshly cut grass and uncut grass.

Question 30 of 92

31. I wouldn’t be able to feel the label at the back of my shirt even if I thought about it.

Question 31 of 92

32. I can hear electricity humming in the walls.

Question 32 of 92

33. I notice the flickering of a desktop computer even when it is working properly.

Question 33 of 92

34. I wouldn’t be able to tell if milk is off simply by smelling it.

Question 34 of 92

35. I would be able to notice a tiny change (e.g. 1 degree) in the temperature of the weather.

Question 35 of 92

36. I would be able to feel a one millimetre cut in my skin.

Question 36 of 92

37. I would be able to see the individual blades in a rotating fan even if it was at maximum speed.

Question 37 of 92

38. I would be able to tell the weight difference between two different coin sizes on the palm of my hand, if my eyes were closed.

Question 38 of 92

39. I wouldn’t get dizzy on a carousel/merry-go-round, even at high speed.

Question 39 of 92

40. I can’t see written words on a page that other people can see.

Question 40 of 92

41. I would be able to distinguish between two oranges purely by their taste.

Question 41 of 92

42. I couldn’t distinguish a familiar person and a stranger by their smell.

Question 42 of 92

43. I couldn’t detect if bread is stale purely by its smell.

Question 43 of 92

44. I can’t tell if my clothes are clean or dirty by smell alone.

Question 44 of 92

45. I would be able to detect the sound of a vacuum cleaner from any room in a two-storey building.

Question 45 of 92

46. I wouldn’t notice the difference between even and uneven ground when driving over it sitting in the back seat of a car.

Question 46 of 92

47. I would be able to drink a cup of boiling water straight after it had been poured from the kettle.

Question 47 of 92

48. I couldn’t tell two types of green apples apart purely from their colour.

Question 48 of 92

49. I would be able to distinguish between an old and a new book by their smell.

Question 49 of 92

50. I would be able to read a street sign from a distance of 100 feet (30 metres).

Question 50 of 92

51. I can’t tell if cars passing me on the street are going at different speeds.

Question 51 of 92

52. I would be able to notice if someone added 5 grains of sugar to my glass of water.

Question 52 of 92

53. I would have difficulty seeing a single leaf clearly even on a tree that is close up.

Question 53 of 92

54. I wouldn’t taste if someone added a whole teaspoon of salt to my glass of water.

Question 54 of 92

55. I would be able to feel the elastic holding up my socks if I stop and thought about it.

Question 55 of 92

56. I can’t taste the difference between ripe and non-ripe fruit.

Question 56 of 92

57. I would be able to stand on one foot for fifteen seconds without wobbling.

Question 57 of 92

58. I would be able to taste the difference between apparently identical pieces of candy.

Question 58 of 92

59. I notice the weight and pressure of a hat on my head.

Question 59 of 92

60. I would feel if a single hair touched the back of my hand.

Question 60 of 92

61. If I was walking along, I would be able to feel a passing truck’s vibrations even if my eyes were closed.

Question 61 of 92

62. I would be able to smell the smallest gas leak from anywhere in the house.

Question 62 of 92

63. I wouldn’t notice if someone changed their perfume, by smell alone.

Question 63 of 92

64. I would be able to tell when an elevator/lift started moving.

Question 64 of 92

65. I can hear dog whistles very easily in the park.

Question 65 of 92

66. I wouldn’t taste the difference between different types of lettuce leaves.

Question 66 of 92

67. I couldn’t taste if there were two slices of lemon in my glass of water if I was drinking it with my eyes closed.

Question 67 of 92

68. I can’t go out in bright sunlight without sunglasses.

Question 68 of 92

69. I would be able to read small print, such as a serial number on the back of a DVD, at 10 feet (3 metres) away.

Question 69 of 92

70. I get motion sickness easily (e.g., car sickness or sea sickness).

Question 70 of 92

71. I would be able to feel a change in the temperature of a cup of coffee after it had sat for 1 minute.

Question 71 of 92

72. I can’t hear very low frequency sounds, such as low voices.

Question 72 of 92

73. I would be the first to hear if there was a fly in the room.

Question 73 of 92

74. If I look at a pile of blue sweaters in a shop that are meant to be identical, I would be able to see differences between them.

Question 74 of 92

75. I wouldn’t detect a new smell in my house instantly before anyone else.

Question 75 of 92

76. I have perfect pitch: e.g. I could repeat a musical tone without any cue.

Question 76 of 92

77. I would be able to bite into a lemon without any problems.

Question 77 of 92

78. I wouldn’t need to wear a coat in the winter, even when it is zero degrees outside.

Question 78 of 92

79. I wouldn’t be able to match the colour of a sweater in the shop with the colour of my trousers at home.

Question 79 of 92

80. I wouldn’t hear every single note when listening to music.

Question 80 of 92

81. I would be able to smell the difference between most men and women.

Question 81 of 92

82. I choose to wear muted colours.

Question 82 of 92

83. I listen to music at minimum loudness.

Question 83 of 92

84. I would be able to hear each note in a chord even if there were 10 notes.

Question 84 of 92

85. I close curtains to avoid bright lights.

Question 85 of 92

86. I wouldn’t be able to hear differences in sound if the same instrument played the same note at different times.

Question 86 of 92

87. I would be able to distinguish two brands of coffee by their smell, even with my eyes closed.

Question 87 of 92

88. I can see dust particles in the air in most environments.

Question 88 of 92

89. I wouldn’t be able to taste the difference between two brands of tomato sauce if they had different concentrations of salt.

Question 89 of 92

90. I would be able to smell the smallest amount of burning from anywhere in the house.

Question 90 of 92

91. If my mobile phone was vibrating in my pocket I would be quick to sense it.

Question 91 of 92

92. I find it difficult to see individual stars on a clear night.

Question 92 of 92


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