VASQ-Vulnerable Attachment Style Questionnaire Online Test & PDF
The Vulnerable Attachment Style Questionnaire (VASQ) is a test used to assess attachment style in adults. The VASQ has five subscales, each of which measures a different attachment style:
● Secure: Scores in the secure range (40-60) indicate a secure attachment style. This means that the individual is comfortable with intimacy and close relationships.
● Anxious-ambivalent: Scores in the anxious-ambivalent range (61-80) indicate an anxious-ambivalent attachment style. This means that the individual is uneasy with intimacy and close relationships.
● Dismissive-avoidant: Scores in the dismissive-avoidant range The VASQ is a 22-item questionnaire that asks questions about your thoughts and feelings in close relationships. It is a self-report measure, meaning you will answer the questions yourself.
● Range of scores: 22 to 110
● Total VASQ score: 57↑
● Factor 1: insecurity: 30↑
● Factor 2: proximity-seeking: 27↑
The ratings for each item range from 1 to 5, with higher values signifying greater attachment insecurity.
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Following is the online VASQ Test